About Me

Increase inclusivity. Thrive with increased personal or employee sense of wholeness and belonging. Trust your resilience and collective intelligence.

We owe these things to our children. To be inclusive is to include "otherness" in one’s own self, family, and organization to create a fresh worldview.

I have over thirty years experience in practicing various models of self-knowledge and most importantly, how to be aware of when I am affected by differences. The journey to an inclusive worldview involves gently taking responsibility for and working through our personal triggers without hurting one’s self or another. By understanding my own foundations, I am able to create and collaborate with you.

My mission is to reweave old patterns for new insights now which allow us to respond in healthier, creative ways during challenging times.

My personal growth rests in my daily meditation practice, my PhD in Integral Studies (research and dissertation on Facilitating Inclusion), my years in a corporate setting and my global community of family, friends and colleagues.

Join me in self knowing, other knowing, and creating new ways of valuing each other and creating anew.

About Me